Fellow Award

Fellow of the Academy

Election as Fellow is the most prestigious honor given by the Academy. While other Academy recognitions honor members for outstanding achievement in a single area (e.g., teaching excellence, outstanding research, and distinguished service), the designation of Fellow is for a lifetime of achievement in the advancement of advertising scholarship, education, and service to the discipline. Thus, the Fellow is the Academy's broadest and most prestigious honor. The basic requirement shall be evidence of a substantial contribution to the accomplishment of the objectives stated in Article II of the Constitution, evidenced by the following accomplishments:

  1. Principal responsibility for publication of significant contributions to advertising scholarship in recognized journals or in book form; and
  2. Recognition of a nationally known academic or practitioner who has contributed notably to the value and importance of advertising education; and
  3. Significant service contribution to advertising education at the college, university or professional level

The Fellows

Charles Allen - Oklahoma State University and Texas Tech University; first Chairman of the AAA Research Committee and conducted two of the earliest studies on advertising education.

Arnold Barban - Head of Advertising departments at University of Illinois and University of Alabama; President of AAA.

Don Belding - V-P, Lord & Thomas; Founder of Foote, Cone & Belding; Founder of War Advertising Council; directed Smoky Bear’s “Only YOU can prevent forest fires;” American Advertising Federation Hall of Fame.

Sidney R. Bernstein
 - Senior editor, Advertising Age; defender and supporter of advertising education, attending and participating in all AAA conferences for many years, chastising business press for their failures to report on AAA or advertising education.

Steuart H. Britt
-  Northwestern University, one of first psychologists to hold positions in both marketing and advertising departments; author of first consumer behavior textbook; a star in socio-psychological research.

Philip W. Burton
- Chair of Advertising Departments at Universities of Iowa and Syracuse; Advertising Federation of America Director; first Distinguished Advertising Educator named by the American Advertising Federation.

Les Carlson - University of Nebraska and Clemson University; AAA Past President and Treasurer; editor of the Journal of Advertising; Ivan Preston Outstanding Contribution to Research Award; Kim Rotzoll Award for Advertising Ethics and Social Responsibility.

George Clark - New York University; first Treasurer of the AAA

John Crawford
- Advertising Department Chair at Michigan State University; AAA president; first Chair of the Advertising Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication.

Barton Cummings
- Compton Advertising CEO, chairman of the executive committee; chairman emeritus of Saatchi & Saatchi; chairman of the American Association of Advertising Agencies.

S. Watson Dunn
- Professor and second Head of Advertising Department after Sandage retirement, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; first advertising graduate of doctoral communications program at UIUC; president of AAA.
For archived papers, see: https://archives.library.illinois.edu/archon/?p=collections/controlcard&id=310

Ronald J. Faber
- Professor, University of Minnesota; editor of Journal of Advertising,

James S. Fish
- Advertising director at General Mills; faculty at University of St. Thomas; American Advertising Federation Hall of Fame; Facilitated merger of the Advertising Association of the West and Advertising Federation of America.

Vernon Fryburger
- Northwestern University; seventh President of the AAA.

Stephen A. Greyser
- Professor, Harvard University; President of AAA.

Melvin S. Hattwick
- Colorado State University; Advertising director of Conoco Oil Company; Advertising Federation of America president & important supporter for establishment of the AAA.

Harry Hepner - Syracuse University; Founder, first President, and first Fellow of the AAA.

Don Hileman
- Head of advertising programs at Southern Illinois University and University of Tennessee; ADS’ Golden Fifty Awards for advertising educators.

H. Keith Hunt
- Brigham Young University; President and first Executive Secretary of AAA; Journal of Advertising editor.
Tribute: http://www.acrwebsite.org/volumes/8414/volumes/v28/NA-28
Ballad: http://www.acrwebsite.org/volumes/8412/volumes/v28/NA-28

Donald W. Jugenheimer
- President and Executive Director, AAA. Head of a plethora of advertising programs and author of many advertising books.

Karen Whitehill King - Head of the Department of Advertising and Public Relations, University of Georgia, President of the American Advertising, Vice President of the American Academy of Advertising.

Dean Krugman
- Head of Department of Advertising and Public Relations, University of Georgia. President American Academy of Advertising; Ivan Preston Outstanding Contribution to Research on Advertising Award.

John D. Leckenby
- University of Illinois and University of Texas; President of AAA; third recipient of Ivan Preston Outstanding Contribution to Research award; leading researcher on advertising media; mentor to a plethora of doctoral students from around the globe.

Claude R. Martin, Jr.
- Head of Marketing Department, University of Michigan; creator and long-time co-editor of Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising.

Gordon Miracle
- Head of Advertising department, Michigan State University.

Joseph Phelps
- Chair of Advertising Department, University of Alabama; President of AAA.

Ivan L. Preston
- University of Wisconsin-Madison; President of AAA; second recipient of Outstanding Contribution to Research Award which was posthumously named after him 20 years later; second recipient of Kim Rotzoll Award for ethics and social responsibility; Author of seminal books at advertising regulation that were influential to laws, regulations, and the Uniform Commercial Code.

Royal Ray
- Chair of advertising program at Florida State University; fourth President of AAA.

Leonard Reid
- Head of Advertising Department, University of Georgia; Editor of Journal of Advertising.

Jef I. Richards
- Chair of Advertising Programs at University of Texas and Michigan State University; President of AAA; Ivan Preston Outstanding Contribution to Research Award; co-editor with Billy Ross of updates to a directory of advertising programs; AAA historian and conference photographer.

Pat Rose (Dominguez) -Pat Rose, Executive Director, Emeritus of the American Academy of Advertising and professor emerita at Florida International University, served as president of AAA, head of the advertising division of AEJMC, editor of the Journal of Advertising Education, president of the Miami Advertising Federation, and on the executive board of the Florida chapter of the International Advertising Association.

Rose came to academe after 25 years in the profession. She was the first female vice-president in account management at N.W. Ayer where her clients included AT&T, the Bahamas Ministry of Tourism, and Pan American Airways. Prior to that she was Director of Marketing for Thomas Cook, Inc. Her areas of experts include Hispanic marketing, IMC, and account management.

Rose received her MBA from the University of Miami, and retired from FIU as Associate Dean of the School of Journalism and Mass Communication

Billy I. Ross - Louisiana State University and Texas Tech University; founder and second president of the AAA; president of the Lubbock Advertising Federation; creator and editor of compendia of advertising/PR programs.

Herbert Jack Rotfeld
- Auburn University; President of AAA, lead acquisition of Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising; editor of Journal of Consumer Affairs; Ivan Preston Outstanding Contribution to Research Award; third recipient of Kim Rotzoll Award for ethics and social responsibility. http://webhome.auburn.edu/~rotfehj/BIO.html

Kim B. Rotzoll
- Head of Advertising Department at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; President of AAA; posthumously an award for ethics and social responsibility was created in his name with him as first honoree.
Tribute: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00913367.2004.10639162

Charles H. Sandage
- The “father of advertising education;” Founder/Creator and head of first Department of Advertising at University of Illinois; creator of first scholarship fund for graduate study of advertising; Founder of AAA; American Advertising Federation Hall of Fame; Printer’s Ink Gold Medal Award.
Papers available, https://archives.library.illinois.edu/archon/?p=collections/controlcard&id=309

Jack Z. Sissors
- Northwestern University.

Marla B. Royne Stafford – University of Memphis and University of Nevada-Las Vegas; President of AAA; Ivan Preston Outstanding Contribution to Research Award; first woman editor of Journal of Advertising.

Charles "Ray" Taylor  Villanova University; President of AAA; Ivan Preston Outstanding Contribution to Research Award; AAA’s ambassador to the world; Editor of International Journal of Advertising.

Esther Thorson - University of Wisconsin-Madison, University of Missouri and Michigan State University. American Advertising Federation’s Distinguished Advertising Education Award, Ivan Preston Outstanding Contribution to Research Award.

Daniel Warner
- University of Washington; third President of the AAA.

Walter Weir
- A well-known copywriter and agency executive who, when retired, became a professor at Tennessee and Temple Universities. American Advertising Federation Distinguished Advertising Educator award.
New York Times obituary: http://www.nytimes.com/1996/03/17/us/walter-weir-86-longtime-leader-in-advertising.html
Papers available: http://library.duke.edu/rubenstein/findingaids/weirwalter/

Gordon White
- University of Illinois; long-time Creative Director at BBDO; fostered many long-time contacts between AAA and advertising agencies.

Robert Zacher
- Arizona State University; the fifth President of the AAA; Chair of the Advertising Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication.