Conference Awards

Best Conference PaperWinners

This recognition was instituted in 2005. Paper reviewers recommend manuscripts for the award. The top four or five papers are reviewed by a committee of five (the two immediate past vice-presidents and three research committee members). Authors are honored with a plaque and monetary award during the annual AAA conference.

Best Student PaperWinners

This award goes to papers that are first authored by a student. Papers can be co-authored with a faculty member(s), but student(s) should be the main contributors. The student authors are honored with a plaque and monetary award during the annual AAA conference.

Best Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Conference Paper  - Winners

The American Academy of Advertising’s (AAA) Best Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Conference Paper Award is designed to honor and encourage excellence in DEI scholarship, education, and practice, and enhance the visibility and actions in support of diversity, equity, and inclusion in advertising scholarship, education, and practice. For more information, please click here.

Best Purpose Advertising Conference Paper

The American Academy of Advertising (AAA) Best Purpose Advertising Conference Paper Award Competition promotes strategic communication research that positively impacts purpose goals. Purpose advertising employs strategies and campaigns that highlight a company’s dedication to social, ethical, or environmental causes, rather than merely promoting their products or services. Purpose requires advertising and strategic communication practitioners to think beyond the traditional outcomes of sales, message exposure, and public opinion but to align the brand with values that resonate with consumers, thereby fostering deeper connections and loyalty, and making a positive contribution to society. For more information, please click here.

Graduate Student Conference Scholarships

AAA student members may apply for the graduate student scholarships to help defray costs of attending the conference. To be eligible, students must be members of AAA at the time of application, have an accepted paper and agree to attend the conference to present. Winners are notified prior to the conference and will receive their awards during the annual AAA conference.