
Join or renew your membership

To initiate a membership, please click here.
To renew your membership, please follow the instructions found in the "How to renew your membership" tutorial found at Site Use Tutorials.

NOTE: AAA memberships run for a calendar year, not for a year from date of payment. Memberships paid before November 1 are credited for the current year; memberships paid after November 1 are credited for the following year. AAA is not responsible for fulfilling mailings, publications and services to members who fail to notify AAA of address changes. Active membership is required to register and/or attend annual conferences.

Membership Categories and Benefits

  • Joint AAA/EAA Regular Membership: $100.00 per calendar year for all members worldwide. Members receive online access to the Journal of Advertising, the Journal of Current Issues in Advertising Research, the Journal of Interactive Advertising, AAA Conference Proceedings, official AAA mailings, and the online AAA newsletter. Print copies of future issues of the Journal of Advertising are sent to all members, if they choose to opt-in. And, there is a special member price for print copies of JCIRA. Also, includes voting privileges. Joint membership includes the EAA/ICORIA newsletters, a discounted rate for ICORIA, and voting privileges.
  • Joint AAA/EAA Student Membership: $50.00 for all members worldwide. NOTE: Must be a currently enrolled full-time student. May not hold office or vote (AAA Constitution, Article IV-5). Students are entitled to all other Regular Membership benefits plus the EAA/ICORIA newsletters and a discounted rate for ICORIA.
  • Regular Membership: $80.00 for all members worldwide. Members receive online access to the Journal of Advertising, the Journal of Current Issues in Advertising Research, the Journal of Interactive Advertising, AAA Conference Proceedings, official AAA mailings, and the online AAA newsletter. Print copies of future issues of the Journal of Advertising are sent to all members, if they choose to opt-in. And, there is a special member price for print copies of JCIRA. Also, includes voting privileges.
  • Student Membership: $35.00 for all members worldwide. NOTE: Must be a currently enrolled full-time student. May not hold office or vote (AAA Constitution, Article IV-5). Students are entitled to all other Regular Membership benefits.
  • Retired (with Journal option): $40.00 for all retired members worldwide. Retired members are entitled to all Regular Membership benefits and have voting privileges.

For questions, please contact [email protected].